Wednesday, January 28, 2009

More Drama in the Seelye House!!!!!

Well, the day started off great with Shawn 's company being closed for the ice day, but quickly turned into more. We decided to head to Plano around noon today in Shawn's truck for him to clean my parent's house since he was off. For those of you who don't know....we've been cleaning my parent's house our entire marriage for extra money and to help them out since my mom cannot clean due to her arthritis. He's had to clean by himself the last 2 times since I cannot help him. Anyway, there was an unsanded ice patch underneath 75 on Bethany in Allen and a lady 2 cars ahead of us got stuck on it and couldn't move, so the lady directly in front of us hit her and then we slid into that lady with nowhere to go. It really was a no impact crash, but it did front end bumper damage to Shawn's truck, and he will also need a new brush guard. The pain is that the police officer said it was a no fault accident due to the ice, so everyone is individually responsible. So, there's our $250 deductible and an accident on our record...we think. Should know more tomorrow after speaking with State Farm. Thankfully we're fine, but we can't get his truck fixed until we get a van which we weren't wanting to do since I'm on bedrest. Savannah also woke up with a goopy eye, so we took her to the doctor this afternoon, and she has pink eye for the first time. Not sure where she picked that up from, but we're all hoping we don't get it. Have drops to put in for 5 days. Then, Pop took me to the hospital for my Rhogam shot. Whew! What a day! We've had enough excitement around here to last us a lifetime, but we know it's just beginning when these precious babies arrive! We know through all of this that the Lord is still in control, and He has a plan for us and everything will work out just fine! Thanks for your prayers for the babies, Savannah's eye, Shawn's truck, and for us to find a van.


Tena said...

Wow! What an eventful day! I was hoping you were able to stay home with Shawn and Savannah and just 'hang out!'
I'm glad you're all okay.

Sarah said...

Hey Vicki! I got your blog address from Shawn today at church. I'm adding you to my list of blogs at We miss you at church!!