The babies are already 7 1/2 months old and went to the doctor today for a weight check and the flu booster. Guess who weighs the most???? It's not Cameron any's Katelyn! It's not surprising based on those thunder thighs that she shows off every day. She weighed in at 15 lbs. 12 oz. and is in the 19th % tile on the regular, term baby growth curve. She is also the shortest in length which makes her even more compact. You go girl! Cameron came in second at 15 lbs. 4 oz. and Parker was a very close third at 15 lbs. 2 oz. The boys are exactly the same length which is 3/4 of an inch longer than their sister. Katelyn still doesn't have any teeth, Parker has 2 on the bottom, and Cameron has 1 on the bottom. Developmentally they are still on track...still not sitting on their own or crawling, but the doctor is not worried as they are really 6 1/2 months adjusted age and doing just fine. They have all slowed way down on their weight, so the doctor wants us to increase their solid food intake quite a bit. I've done the will equal 12 jars of baby food per day which is 84 per week which equals $42 a week plus the cost of cereal. So, we get to add $200 a month for baby food until I can get on my game and start making my own food. Wow! We still have $270 per month for meds, $75 per month for well visits to the doctor, $200 a month for formula, and $150 per month for diapers and wipes! Yikes! And this is just for the babies!!!!! We will continue to pray that God will meet our needs! The babies took their first bath together in the big tub, and yes, I did it all by myself. I had to get creative, especially when taking them all out and getting them dry, but I managed, and everyone was clean and happy with no mishaps. Also, their cousin, Katie Seelye, got off work early on Tuesday, and volunteered to come over for a few hours to feed and help mommy with the babies and Savannah. It was great! She also brought mommy lunch and a hot chocolate from Starbuck's. Thanks Katie! Enjoy some new pics! Stay tuned for Halloween pics soon!
Thursday, October 29, 2009
New Update on Babies!
Friday, October 23, 2009
How Sweet Is This????
Sweet big sis, Savannah, trying to console Cameron while mommy is taking a pic! Savannah is really beginning to step into the role of big sister lately--playing more with the babies, reading books to them, talking to them, trying to keep them busy and from crying, wiping their spitup, etc. She really is a big help. We've been crazy busy around here. The boys have had on and off low grade fevers due to teeth. Cameron cut his first tooth Sunday evening. Parker still has his two teeth coming in on the bottom, and Katelyn is still toothless for now. Mommy and daddy got to go out to eat last Fri. night while a wonderful family from church volunteered to come keep all 4 kids so we could go out. It was wonderful! Savannah had so much fun playing with the girls and even fell asleep at 8:30! Wow! Mommy has been busy with the kids, household chores, and church. She is enjoying her new 2's Sunday School class as well as her Love Dare Bible Study on Sunday nights. She is also participating with daddy in a church fantasy football league and has been #1 for 3 weeks in a row! Mommy is enjoying the success now because she knows change is just around the corner. You never know! Parker has decided not to nap pretty much every afternoon so that's been hard on mommy, but hopefully this is temporary, and Katelyn has been very fussy today and has just started running a low grade fever. Whew! This too shall pass! Enjoy some new pics!
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Peas, Teeth and Just So Darn Cute!!!
Well, Parker is cutting his 2nd tooth today, everyone has red bottoms from teething or thinking about teething, the babies had their first experience with peas yesterday and really seemed to like them--no horrible faces or spitting them out, and Katelyn wore Savannah's adorable strawberry outfit, a Gymboree bumblebee outfit from Aunt Mary Jack and cousin Lauren, and the boys wore matching football MVP Carter's outfits from mommy--I just couldn't resist! They are almost 7 months old now and looking so big and grown-up! Everyone so far around here is managing to stay well, so we will continue to pray, wash, sanitize, and hope for the best! Although mommy is tired and worn out from cranky, crying babies due to teething and hurting red bottoms--1 baby is hard during this but try 3 at the same time---ugh! I guess there will be many more 3 at the same times through our lifetime, huh?!!!!!!!
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