Well, The Seelye Six actually made their way to Arlington to visit Nana and Papaw at their house for Thanksgiving on Thursday. Mommy and daddy timed it perfectly so that after finishing solid foods for breakfast, the babies' bellies were full and they all took their morning nap all the way there. Savannah enjoyed watching Barney on the DVD player. Mommy and daddy enjoyed some peace and quiet sipping on coffee and hot chocolate for an hour...oh, heavenly bliss! This was the trips very first visit to Nana and Papaw's house ever! Of course, everything pretty much revolved around the babies' schedule, but we made it work, and Nana was so accommodating and prepared for us. Thank you, Nana and Papaw, for cleaning, cooking, and preparing your house for us to come over. We had lots of visitors, Uncle Steve and Aunt Marla, Aunt Mary Jack and cousin Lauren, Uncle Craig, Aunt Dana, cousins Katie and Josh, and Uncle Chad with cousins Dylan and Collin. Maddy was sick so Aunt Alisha stayed home with her. Even some neighbors came by to see us! We all had a great day, but everyone was tired when we got home. We did manage to get one family pic with poor Parker's ears sticking out, and Nana and Papaw got a pic with our 4 kids and then got one with 6 of their 7 grandchildren. Maybe at Christmas they will get all 7 if everyone is well! Thanks everyone for a great time! We'll do it again in December!!! Oh, I almost forgot---we finally went gate shopping and now Parker feels like he's in jail. He cries and cries and cries when he's on the outside and parents are in the kitchen. So sad! Hopefully the babies will get used to the new gates and this sadness will pass; although Parker is Mama's boy, and he gets me every time...ugh!
Friday, November 27, 2009
Turkey Day and Jail!!!!!
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Happy Fall Ya'll!
Things around here are even busier since my last post just a week ago. Cameron has cut his 2nd tooth; Parker is just about crawling--he's got the arms and legs going correctly, just has to figure out how to get his belly off the ground and he's good to go! Yikes! All 3 babies are mobile and getting around pretty fast when they want to. I went into the bedroom for a quick minute to change my pants from Cameron spitting up all over them only to come out and find Katelyn chewing on speaker wire behind the exersaucer. Ugh! Plan B. We will probably have to set up our Superyard XT this weekend to give the babies some confinement and mommy some peace of mind when she needs to leave the room. For Halloween, Savannah dressed as a princess and the babies were 3 peas in a pod. We went to our church festival and had a blast and Savannah went to Gram and Pop's church to go trunk or treating with her cousins and Gram and Pop. They all had so much fun! We actually went out for only the 2nd time since the babies have been born as a family on an outing other than church. Remember, the first time was our Sam's outing long ago and it wasn't too successful! This time, we went to a pumpkin patch on the very last day, Oct. 31. The weather was beautiful, no rain, and everyone had a good time. We managed to get a family picture as I asked a nice, unsuspecting family if they wouldn't mind taking one for us, we ate free hot dogs, Savannah and I rode a barrel car , a hay ride, Shawn, Savannah, and Cameron also rode the hay ride, Savannah fed the goats and played in the pumpkin patch on bails of hay and walked numerous times in a maze. It was a great, exhausting day, but we all had fun, and it was nice for mommy and the babies to get out away from the house. Of course, Sunday between church in the morning and night, I was busy doing chores trying to catch up from the previous day. It took me until Mon. night to catch up, but it was worth it. Enjoy some pics!
Thursday, October 29, 2009
New Update on Babies!
The babies are already 7 1/2 months old and went to the doctor today for a weight check and the flu booster. Guess who weighs the most???? It's not Cameron any more....it's Katelyn! It's not surprising based on those thunder thighs that she shows off every day. She weighed in at 15 lbs. 12 oz. and is in the 19th % tile on the regular, term baby growth curve. She is also the shortest in length which makes her even more compact. You go girl! Cameron came in second at 15 lbs. 4 oz. and Parker was a very close third at 15 lbs. 2 oz. The boys are exactly the same length which is 3/4 of an inch longer than their sister. Katelyn still doesn't have any teeth, Parker has 2 on the bottom, and Cameron has 1 on the bottom. Developmentally they are still on track...still not sitting on their own or crawling, but the doctor is not worried as they are really 6 1/2 months adjusted age and doing just fine. They have all slowed way down on their weight, so the doctor wants us to increase their solid food intake quite a bit. I've done the math....it will equal 12 jars of baby food per day which is 84 per week which equals $42 a week plus the cost of cereal. So, we get to add $200 a month for baby food until I can get on my game and start making my own food. Wow! We still have $270 per month for meds, $75 per month for well visits to the doctor, $200 a month for formula, and $150 per month for diapers and wipes! Yikes! And this is just for the babies!!!!! We will continue to pray that God will meet our needs! The babies took their first bath together in the big tub, and yes, I did it all by myself. I had to get creative, especially when taking them all out and getting them dry, but I managed, and everyone was clean and happy with no mishaps. Also, their cousin, Katie Seelye, got off work early on Tuesday, and volunteered to come over for a few hours to feed and help mommy with the babies and Savannah. It was great! She also brought mommy lunch and a hot chocolate from Starbuck's. Thanks Katie! Enjoy some new pics! Stay tuned for Halloween pics soon!
Friday, October 23, 2009
How Sweet Is This????
Sweet big sis, Savannah, trying to console Cameron while mommy is taking a pic! Savannah is really beginning to step into the role of big sister lately--playing more with the babies, reading books to them, talking to them, trying to keep them busy and from crying, wiping their spitup, etc. She really is a big help. We've been crazy busy around here. The boys have had on and off low grade fevers due to teeth. Cameron cut his first tooth Sunday evening. Parker still has his two teeth coming in on the bottom, and Katelyn is still toothless for now. Mommy and daddy got to go out to eat last Fri. night while a wonderful family from church volunteered to come keep all 4 kids so we could go out. It was wonderful! Savannah had so much fun playing with the girls and even fell asleep at 8:30! Wow! Mommy has been busy with the kids, household chores, and church. She is enjoying her new 2's Sunday School class as well as her Love Dare Bible Study on Sunday nights. She is also participating with daddy in a church fantasy football league and has been #1 for 3 weeks in a row! Mommy is enjoying the success now because she knows change is just around the corner. You never know! Parker has decided not to nap pretty much every afternoon so that's been hard on mommy, but hopefully this is temporary, and Katelyn has been very fussy today and has just started running a low grade fever. Whew! This too shall pass! Enjoy some new pics!
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Peas, Teeth and Just So Darn Cute!!!
Well, Parker is cutting his 2nd tooth today, everyone has red bottoms from teething or thinking about teething, the babies had their first experience with peas yesterday and really seemed to like them--no horrible faces or spitting them out, and Katelyn wore Savannah's adorable strawberry outfit, a Gymboree bumblebee outfit from Aunt Mary Jack and cousin Lauren, and the boys wore matching football MVP Carter's outfits from mommy--I just couldn't resist! They are almost 7 months old now and looking so big and grown-up! Everyone so far around here is managing to stay well, so we will continue to pray, wash, sanitize, and hope for the best! Although mommy is tired and worn out from cranky, crying babies due to teething and hurting red bottoms--1 baby is hard during this but try 3 at the same time---ugh! I guess there will be many more 3 at the same times through our lifetime, huh?!!!!!!!
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Lots of Firsts!
Katelyn's first experience in the bath seat!
We have been tremendously busy around the Seelye house in the last 2 weeks or so! We took Savannah to Sandy Lake Park for the first time for a "Savannah Special Saturday" with just mommy and daddy while Gram and Pop kept the babies. We had a blast! She even rode the Tilt-a-Whirl without crying! She is so brave! She rode everything she was tall enough to ride plus ponies, played skee ball, and rode the choo-choo twice. The weather was beautiful and we had a wonderful time just the three of us again! The babies started cereal last week--Cameron didn't like it the first time, Parker loved it, and Katelyn just didn't get the concept of opening her mouth and getting food in it--she chomped the spoon and blew bubbled instead! We love, love, love the triple feeding table. Now all the babies are eating cereal twice a day and loving it. They also started 3 bottle feeds today and 2 distinct naps and we'll see how that goes. They will start vegetables next week! Parker also got his first tooth today! We are so proud of our boy! It is on the bottom front left. We so wanted Parker to be the first at something and sure enough...he did it on teeth! Way to go Parker Poo! The babies also took their first bath one at a time in the sink in their bath seat today. No one smiles, but no one cried either. We still need one more seat, and then we'll do it all together in the big bath tub. We will post a few pics but will also send a slideshow since we have so many! Life has been crazy busy around here with lots of doctor's appointments, changes, church activities, school, etc., but we're taking it one day at a time.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Savannah's Very 1st Rangers Game!!!
Hooray for the Rangers!
Savannah got to go to her very first Texas Rangers game and first professional game of any kind on Monday night. She went with Gram and mommy and daddy while Pop stayed back to keep the trips! Savannah did awesome and had a great time eating nachos and peanuts and smiling and waving to the Oakland A's players and Omar Vizquel playing 3rd base. We didn't get any balls but we loved the view from the first row behind the visitor's dugout. It was awesome! It was mommy and daddy's first and only Rangers game of the season. Savannah went potty 4 times, got a new pink and white Rangers jersey, and even ran into a hot dog cart because she wasn't watching where she was going! All is well though! I was very pleasantly surprised at how well Savannah did at the game. Maybe she will be my little softball girl after all! Enjoy a few pics!
Trips are 6 Months Old Today!

I can't believe the babies are 6 months old today! Where has the time gone? In some ways it has gone by so slowly but in other ways, way too quickly! I'm so glad that I had Savannah as a singleton before the triplets so I had some experience and also so I could enjoy the infant stage. I do love my babies and have enjoyed many precious moments but most of the time is spent doing chores and things in assembly lines! We went to the doctor today, and he was very pleased with all of them and their growth. They are actually all on the term baby growth curve...wow! We are going to begin rice cereal tomorrow. They got lots of shots today along with the flu shot. Savannah and mommy also got flu shots today as well. Cameron still continues to be in the lead, but just barely over little Miss Piggy, at 15 lbs. 1 oz. 10th % tile, Parker is 14 lbs. 7 oz., 5th % tile, and Katelyn is 14 lbs., 12 oz, 25th %tile. Her appetite has increased, and the boys have decreased, especially Parker's. I am hoping the rice cereal will help their feeding issues and also their reflux. We would so love to get them off of their medication for that soon. Enjoy a few recent pics.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Savannah's New School Year!

Savannah started her new school year at Mother's Day Out at First Baptist Church in Allen in Ms. Janet's class last Tuesday. She is going 2 days a week this year and is in class with her friends Charlotte and Kate again this year. There are 12 kids in her class and almost everyone is potty trained, but guess what? Savannah is once again actively potty training. We are doing princess panties and pull-ups and having some accidents, but she is definitely making progress. We had a "bye bye diaper" party, and there's no turning back now. Of course, I forgot my camera on the first day now that I have "triplet mama brain", so thanks to my friend Danna, Charlotte's mom, enjoy a few pics.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
New Ride and Numbers!!!!
Mommy has been looking for a used quad stroller since the trips were born and finally found one through PAMOM in Plano. She went and checked it out and purchased it. Cosmetically it has lots of crayon and marker marks and some rust and the wheels are well worn and will probably need replaced, but structurally it is sound--seatbelts, brakes, baskets, canopies, etc. This stroller retails new at Babies R Us for $500, and mommy got it for a great price! We took our first walk without Camy yesterday around the block. Whew! What a workout! I figured I was pushing at least 75 lbs. of kid plus whatever the stroller weighed. I was exhausted and worked up quite a sweat! It does fit on the sidewalk, but it is quite cumbersome to push and control. It will work for what we need though. I also thought you might enjoy some numbers: 550+ diapers per month, 16 cans of formula per month, diaper champ taken out every 2-3 days, 4-5 pitchers of formula made per day, 2-3 loads of laundry per day, at least 2 changes of clothes for mommy per day, babies are still in diapers only when home, 1 well visit/weight check at the doctor per month, 2 containers of wipes per week, 2 trips to the pharmacy per month for reflux medicine. This is what comes to mind off the top of my head. I'm sure there's more. It's quite crazy when you put it to paper, but the Lord continues to be faithful and provide.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Babies Development
The babies went to the Pediatriax Development Group in Dallas for an appointment and then to Dr. Cook for a weight check at 5 months yesterday. Both doctors were most impressed with their weight gain and with their development, even Parker! The Pediatriax Group had seen Parker routinely in the NICU and will continue to follow all 3 babies until they are 2 years old and even longer if necessary. All of the babies were in the 4-5 months range for gross motor, fine motor, receptive language, and expressive language as compared to term babies except Katelyn was just in the 5 month range for gross motor. She is definitely the strongest motorically. I'm glad because she will need it later to beat up on those boys later!!!! Parker continues to suffer from his torticollis and Dr. Blome says he also has tight hamstrings which will hamper his efforts soon for sitting up. So, I have more exercises daily to do for that, and she recommends PT as well for his hamstrings and torticollis. I have ECI coming to the house tomorrow to do evaluations on all the babies. I doubt Cameron and Katelyn will qualify, but I am hoping Parker will at least qualify for PT so we can get free services in our home. All the babies are also starting to sit up assisted, Cameron and Katelyn are just beginning to scoot, and Katelyn is blowing bubbles/raspberries like crazy! Parker continues to smile, talk, and flirt! Cameron is 13 lbs. 13 oz. in the 6th % tile, 23 3/4" in the 1% tile for length, and his head is 16" in the 2nd %tile. Parker is 13 lbs. 1 oz. in the 2nd%tile, 23 1/2" in the 0% tile for length, and his head is 16 1/4" in the 7th% tile. Wow! Katelyn is 13 lbs. 4 oz. in the 13th% tile, 23" long in the 1% tile, and her head is 15 5/8" in the 3rd% tile. The comparison is for term babies, and they consider 3% normal, so we're just about there. I also found out that they use different charts for boys and girls, so that's why Katelyn's percentiles are so different. She is definitely chunking up! We will wait about 3 more weeks to start solid foods by my choice and also our triple feeding table will be here! Yahoo! Enjoy a few pics of the babies in the Jeep Walker that was Savannah's from Aunt Marcy and Uncle Brian and the borrowed rainforest Jumperoo from our friends Caroline and Amy. We appreciate your continued prayers for all the babies for their growth and development, and especially for Parker, but also that they stay healthy as well as Savannah and our family during this RSV, swine flu season about to gear up. Love to you all!
Monday, August 17, 2009
Babies Bumblebee Room!
A view from the doorway.
I finally got around to taking pictures of the babies room this weekend. It is crammed full of cribs, but it works. Enjoy some pics! Mommy had to buy 3 sets of the breathable, white bumper pads for the cribs because the babies began getting really mobil and sticking legs, arms, elbows, etc. out of the cribs. So far, they are working great. The best part....you don't have to take them off to change the sheets and get the mattresses out! Yahoo!
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