Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Good Report on the Babies!

The babies went to the doctor on Monday for their 1 mo. weight check, check-up, and Hep B shots. Cameron is 6 1/2 lbs., Parker is 5 lbs. 15 oz., and Katelyn is still our little peanut at 5 lbs. 13 oz. Cameron's blocked tear duct is now healed, but mommy is thinking he may possibly have reflux. Lots of crying, fussiness, arching the back, stiffening the legs, and of course, projectile spit-up. Dr. Cook prescribed Zantac to see if it helps. Haven't noticed an improvement yet. All the babies got a good report, and the doctor is pleased with all of their growth. Parker is definitely our most laid back baby and hardly ever complains or cries. Katelyn is moderately fussy and seems to be hungry a lot, and poor Cameron is just not happy much these days. Hopefully we can get him some relief, whatever it is! I haven't figured out how to label pictures yet....1st one--Pop with Cameron, 2nd & 3rd--Parker in swing, 4th Katelyn's first time in the bouncy, 5th--Katelyn on left and Parker in the swing!

1 comment:

Candace Hickey said...

Good weights....

Try Simply Thick if Zantac does not worked wonders for us!

Hope the sleeping gets better. :)