Wednesday, July 29, 2009
More Milestones!
Enjoy a few new pics! I dragged out the Bumbo's today, and all 3 babies can sit in them unassisted and can tolerate them for 5-10 minutes a day. Cameron and Katelyn even reached for the monkey on the tray toy! Yahoo! Poor Parker really shows his torticollis to the left side in his Bumbo but he smiles anyway and is certainly relaxed! I find myself staying up later and later every night desperately trying to get my chores finished so I can start over the next day because the babies are awake more during the day and are more demanding and fussy. Almost someone is fussy/crying most of the time now at different points of the day. Mommy is more exhausted than ever! I can only imagine this will be even more of a challenge once the babies get mobile!!!!!
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Babies are 4 Months Old!!!!
I can't believe the babies are already 4 months old. Time is passing so quickly yet so slowly at the same time!!! The babies saw Dr. Cook on Tuesday for their 4 month check-up and shots. They are all gaining weight, but of course, are still small compared to term babies. Cameron was 11 lbs. 4 oz. 1 % tile, 23 " long 2% tile, and head is 15 1/4" 0% tile. The doctor was pleased with his development and motor skills and said he was meeting his milestones well for now. Parker was 10 lbs. 11 oz 0% tile, 22" long 0% tile, and head was 15 1/2" 2% tile. He has mild torticollis, which is shortening of the neck muscle, and slight head flattening on one side due to the torticollis. I am managing his treatment at home for now with daily exercises 5 times a day which are really making a difference, but PT has been recommended. Waiting on insurance to see if PT will be approved at Our Childrens House Baylor in Allen. He is doing okay developmentally with his head control being a little weaker. Katelyn is 10 lbs. 10 oz 3% tile, 22 1/4" 2% tile, and head is 15" 1% tile. The doctor was most pleased with her growth and with her motor skills. She is the most developed and Dr. Cook was quite surprised by her strength and head control and bearing weight on her legs. He said he wouldn't even expect term babies to have that much control at this age! Way to go Miss Katie Kate! All the babies are still very messy eaters due to poor mouth muscles and have been approved for speech/feeding therapy at OCH also...just waiting on insurance approval to start. Still battling reflux...medicine has been increased...may try formula change in 1-2 weeks if it isn't much better! They are all really smiling, talking, and cooing. Cameron seems to really like big sister Savannah and today she taught him step by step how to go potty on the big girl potty. It was so cute! Parker is mama's boy, and Katelyn is definitely a daddy's girl! She lights up and flirts like crazy when he is around! We're hanging in here as things are crazy busy all the time, but we're settling into a routine that seems to work. Now I just need to figure out how to get more hours into the day!!!
Monday, July 20, 2009
More Seelye's!!!
Uncle Craig (Keega), Aunt Dana, and cousins Katie and Josh came over yesterday to feed and hold babies, see Savannah and give mommy and daddy a break. It was so nice! They even brought us some diapers, wipes, and cake from their 25th Wedding Anniversary party! Thanks so much! We enjoyed seeing them so much! We're so proud of them! Uncle Craig just keeps on working and taking care of the family, Aunt Dana has a new job mentoring/counseling cooking students in Dallas, Katie will go back to New York in a week or so and finish up the last part of her chef school and graduate in Oct. and then will come back home, and Josh just graduated from EMT/Fire Academy School and is currently looking for a job and then wants to pursue paramedic school. Enjoy a few pics!
Friday, July 10, 2009
More Visitors!
Today Uncle Steve and Aunt Marla from Arlington came over to see the babies and Savannah and help mama! It was fun! They both fed babies at two feedings, Uncle Steve played with Savannah and read her books, and Aunt Marla gave Cameron and Katelyn baths after mommy bathed Parker. They also treated everyone to Chick-fil-A for lunch and helped clean up. It was a fun day, a great visit, and a huge help and treat for mommy. Thanks so much!
Monday, July 6, 2009
Happy July 4th!
Cameron ready to go also!
Enjoy a few pics from the July 4th weekend. We had a cookout/swim day at Gram and Pop's house, did some sparklers with Savannah, went to church as a family on Sunday and had a nice 3 days with daddy home. Katelyn was able to wear Savannah's red onesie this holiday. The kicker...Savannah was borh on June 3rd and wore it on July 4th...Katelyn was born on March 16th and wore it on July 4th! tiny!
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