Wednesday, July 29, 2009

More Milestones!

This is how daddy feels at the end of every day with 4 children!!!!! Savannah actually took this picture!
Savannah holding Cameron this morning after his feed!

Parker and Katelyn happy on the pillow after their morning feed!

Savannah and her cousin, Maddy, playing dress-up and having fun!

Enjoy a few new pics! I dragged out the Bumbo's today, and all 3 babies can sit in them unassisted and can tolerate them for 5-10 minutes a day. Cameron and Katelyn even reached for the monkey on the tray toy! Yahoo! Poor Parker really shows his torticollis to the left side in his Bumbo but he smiles anyway and is certainly relaxed! I find myself staying up later and later every night desperately trying to get my chores finished so I can start over the next day because the babies are awake more during the day and are more demanding and fussy. Almost someone is fussy/crying most of the time now at different points of the day. Mommy is more exhausted than ever! I can only imagine this will be even more of a challenge once the babies get mobile!!!!!

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