Katelyn's first experience in the bath seat!
We have been tremendously busy around the Seelye house in the last 2 weeks or so! We took Savannah to Sandy Lake Park for the first time for a "Savannah Special Saturday" with just mommy and daddy while Gram and Pop kept the babies. We had a blast! She even rode the Tilt-a-Whirl without crying! She is so brave! She rode everything she was tall enough to ride plus ponies, played skee ball, and rode the choo-choo twice. The weather was beautiful and we had a wonderful time just the three of us again! The babies started cereal last week--Cameron didn't like it the first time, Parker loved it, and Katelyn just didn't get the concept of opening her mouth and getting food in it--she chomped the spoon and blew bubbled instead! We love, love, love the triple feeding table. Now all the babies are eating cereal twice a day and loving it. They also started 3 bottle feeds today and 2 distinct naps and we'll see how that goes. They will start vegetables next week! Parker also got his first tooth today! We are so proud of our boy! It is on the bottom front left. We so wanted Parker to be the first at something and sure enough...he did it on teeth! Way to go Parker Poo! The babies also took their first bath one at a time in the sink in their bath seat today. No one smiles, but no one cried either. We still need one more seat, and then we'll do it all together in the big bath tub. We will post a few pics but will also send a slideshow since we have so many! Life has been crazy busy around here with lots of doctor's appointments, changes, church activities, school, etc., but we're taking it one day at a time.