Monday, November 24, 2008

Bye-Bye Eye Stint!

Today Savannah went back to the Pediatric Opthamologist in Plano and had her eye stint taken out that was surgically placed in her left eye 5 months ago. Mommy couldn't look! They basically put her in a velcro straight jacket so she couldn't move, and the nurse held her while the doctor worked. I stood down at the end and held her feet. It was just plain awful! She cried and said "Mama in her sad voice" and I reassurred her that I was there. He said her left eye, the one with the stint, looked great and clear. However, we've still had a lot of trouble with both eyes watering and running like faucets some days. The ENT doctor and eye doctor conferred that it is a mechanical tear duct problem and not allergies. The eye doctor today basically roto-rootered her right eye and said it was very narrow and blocked. He said this little procedure today had a 50/50 chance of working. If not, we will have to do a stint in her right eye later as well. Ugh! After a bloody nose and eye, Savannah seems just fine.

1 comment:

Tena said...

I'm sorry that was so hard on you. When Eli had his staples put in, I was ever so thankful that Husband was there to hold him down. I'm not sure what's worse - having Daddy hold him that way or having to wear the straightjacket like Savannah.
In any case, glad you had some good news. Waiting to hear more today!