We went out on our first outing as a family to a store....it went well! Enjoy a picture of the trips in their swank triple stroller from doubledecker. The store trip went well except we could hardly shop as people wouldn't leave us alone, but we expected the attention as I guess we were quite a spectacle. Some other moms of multiples had prepared me for this, but you're still not ever quite ready I guess! The babies did very well and so did Savannah! I will be buying my formula there from now on as it is quite cheaper. That alone will pay for our yearly membership very quickly! Also, our Aunt Lynda came from Ft. Worth to visit the babies for the very first time. She enjoyed them, but I think she was glad she could leave them here and get away!!!!! Just kidding Aunt Lynda! Our other news is that all 3 babies have reflux confirmed by upper GI's on Tuesday. Dr. Cook started all 3 on Zantac and Regulan. He said it will take 2 weeks before we can see any difference. It is a challenge to draw up 6 syringes 4 times a day and remember to do it 30 min. before feedings! It also stinks to wake up sleeping babies! Oh well! If it will help them, it's worth it! Cameron is also going to Our Children's House Baylor on Friday for a team of speech therapists, OT, and nutritionist to watch him feed. I am frustrated with how messy he is and his reflux issues. I am hoping they can help me and also make sure he doesn't have tongue thrust or tongue tie.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
We Went Out!
Sunday, May 24, 2009
More Developmental Milestones!
Parker-left; Katelyn-rt; interlocking arms
Parker and Katelyn smiled for the very first time today while Mama was talking to them. Parker just flat out flirted with Mama over and over and over while cooing and smiling! It was absolutely precious and just melted Mama's heart! It was so refreshing and reaffirmed that everything up until this point has been totally worth it. All the sleep deprivation, making 3 pitchers of formula a day, going through 3, 25 oz. containers of formula per week, 25-30 diapers a day, 2-3 loads of laundry a day, tons of swaddles, burp cloths, blankets, etc., washing bottles over and over and over again, feeding 3 babies 6 times a day, putting them in the bed, floor under the activity gyms, bouncy seats, swings, etc. all day long all while entertaining and feeding Savannah and then trying to get a shower, eat, or even drink some water or Gatorade if you can fit it in! Whew! That makes me tired just typing it out! It is exhausting, and I'm usually totally wiped by about 6:00 p.m., but I wouldn't have it any other way! Just look at these precious faces!
Monday, May 18, 2009
Crazy Savannah!
Poor Savannah....those cute babies have been getting all the attention lately, so I wanted to post pictures of her. Enjoy some crazy pictures of her recently! I can't believe our "baby" is almost 3 years old! She is adjusting really well now except for her sleeping at nap time and at night. She is beginning to play more independently during feeds and is getting used to babies taking more of my time. She is really sweet and is such a big helper. She gets bottles, paci's, burp cloths, blankets, etc. to help mommy during the day. She loves those babies! This weekend, I was holding Cameron, and she came up to him and said, "Oh baby, it's okay" and she patted him on the tummy and then said, "God loves you very much!" Okay, that just melted mommy! What a sweet, loving heart! I thank God for her. Also, enjoy some pics of her being "mommy" to her trips. Thanks for the stroller Aunt Marcy!
Baby Update!
Can you believe the babies are 2 months old? Wow! They got a pretty good report today from Dr. Cook. Cameron is 8 lbs., Parker is 7 1/2 lbs., and Katelyn is still little at 6 lbs. 12 oz. They have all grown steadily but Dr. Cook wants to see them bulk up a little bit more. We are still having massive amounts of spit-up combined with arching backs, drawing up of the legs, projectile vomiting, spitting the nipple out, and spit-ups 3-4 hours after feedings, so he agreed to let all 3 go in next Tuesday for a barium swallow test. We are suspecting possible reflux and delayed stomach emptying for all of them. Big sister had this also. We'll keep you posted. Parker's head is slightly asymetrical and slightly flat on the right side, so we have to try to get him turned as much as possible to avoid a helmet. Cameron may have colic, so we are continuing to keep an eye on that. I bought some Gripe Water today to try, but it probably won't help. We'll see! They are all fussy and cranky after their shots today, so we'll do Tylenol for 24 hours, and that should help. The doctor recommended not to have them in public for another week to allow the vaccinations time to get into their systems and then we can slowly take them out and have people over to visit. Also, Cameron began actually batting at the toys hanging from the activity gym just yesterday. Enjoy the picture!
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Great-Granny Had a Stroke!
Well, it was just last Sunday, on Mother's Day, that Granny got to come to the babies' dedication at church and then come over to hold the babies for the very first time. I am even more thankful this Sunday as Granny had a stroke Thursday afternoon. She was getting her hair done at the beauty shop in her place when all of the sudden, she began to slur her words, drool, and her right corner of her mouth began to droop. Shortly after, she passed out. They called 911 and the paramedics showed up along with my mom. Dad was meeting with a client when this happened. They took her to the hospital and did an EEG and two CT scans. She couldn't have an MRI because of her pacemaker. It was confirmed late yesterday that she indeed had a stroke. She doesn't seem to have any paralysis, but it has definitely affected her mind. She calls things different words, i.e. "beauty show" instead of "beauty shop" and doesn't make sense a lot of the time. It also seems her hearing and eyesight is also affected. She is very weak and wobbly. She will probably be discharged on Monday or Tuesday to an impatient rehab facility for a while to get PT and monitoring. The doctor has recommended that she move to an assisted living facility upon completing her rehab. We are hopeful that she will get better, but right now, we just don't know. We would appreciate your prayers!
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Happy Mother's Day/Baby Dedication
My day started with an early morning feeding accompanied with roses, Ferrer Roche chocolates, a card from Shawn, a card from the kids, and a silver birthstone and name ring from Zales with all the kids info. on it. The ring will be here in about a month. Then, it was frantic around here getting 2 adults and 4 children ready for church and out the door by 10:00. We made it though right on time. The babies were dedicated to the Lord in front of the church family, Granny, Gram & Pop, and Nana and Papaw. We were so glad they were able to come, and Granny saw and held the babies for the very first time. The babies did well and slept most of the time with Katelyn crying for a brief 5 seconds or so. It was nice to get out for our first outing as a family. Shawn's parents, Granny, and the babies came home while Gram & Pop and mommy stayed for the service. We then ordered Chili's in for lunch. Shawn and I also enjoyed our first night out to Kobe Steaks for dinner last night while Gram and Pop stayed with the kids. It was awesome! Enjoy some pictures! Savannah with Parker, Katelyn and Cameron--in order
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Developmental Milestone!
Well, the boys both rolled from their tummies to their backs this week. I looked it up in Savannah's baby book, and she did it at week 7. My preemie triplet boys did it at week 6. Wow! I am truly amazed at their development and God's blessings on their lives already! Katelyn will be soon I'm sure. Both brothers and their families have now seen the babies, and we're hoping our 89 year old Granny can come soon. We are also planning on going to our church on Mother's Day and dedicating the babies to the Lord. We will keep the babies in the van until they are ready and make a quick entrance and exit as we can't have tons of people touching or holding the babies yet. We look forward to having everyone over soon, but have to postpone and be extra careful with this Swine Flu. Hang in there everyone....it will be soon. Enjoy Katelyn, left and Parker in the swing together and all 3 on the floor doing tummy time and then sleeping!
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