Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day/Baby Dedication

My day started with an early morning feeding accompanied with roses, Ferrer Roche chocolates, a card from Shawn, a card from the kids, and a silver birthstone and name ring from Zales with all the kids info. on it. The ring will be here in about a month. Then, it was frantic around here getting 2 adults and 4 children ready for church and out the door by 10:00. We made it though right on time. The babies were dedicated to the Lord in front of the church family, Granny, Gram & Pop, and Nana and Papaw. We were so glad they were able to come, and Granny saw and held the babies for the very first time. The babies did well and slept most of the time with Katelyn crying for a brief 5 seconds or so. It was nice to get out for our first outing as a family. Shawn's parents, Granny, and the babies came home while Gram & Pop and mommy stayed for the service. We then ordered Chili's in for lunch. Shawn and I also enjoyed our first night out to Kobe Steaks for dinner last night while Gram and Pop stayed with the kids. It was awesome! Enjoy some pictures! Savannah with Parker, Katelyn and Cameron--in order


Kama said...

So good to see you guys today! Let me know when I can help you out!

Amy said...

Happy Mother's Day! I also met your SIL at church on Sunday.