Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Quick Baby Update!

All babies have good heartbeats and are very active. Cameron has been head down my entire pregnancy, but now he and Katelyn are both breech and Parker is sort of "c" shaped transverse in the middle. Amniotic fluid is great for all 3 babies and my iron has actually come up to 11.4. Yahoo! My cervix has elongated a little bit from 3.4 to 4.0 which is also great. I go back to Dr. Albert on Monday morning for my next cervix check and baby measurement, and then back to Dr. Herzog on Mon., Jan. 26th for my glucose test, Rhogam shot since I'm 0- blood, and steroid shots to start developing the babies' lungs should they decide to come early. They will schedule my C-section when I'm 34 weeks along for 36 weeks if all is well! Even though I'm doing well, I still have to continue bedrest for the rest of the way simply because I'm carrying 3 babies. The doctor said to be thankful because most triplet moms were in the hospital by this point! Whew!Thanks for your prayers and please continue them.

1 comment:

Little Friend's Mom said...

Love the photos of Savannah - we missed her at church Sunday too. You keep resting and drinking that water - it is so worth it. TJ and I had fun at Babies R Us today. He picked out some of the stuff. Love all those babies for me including Savannah.
