Sunday, February 15, 2009

Bumble Bee's Galore!

My friend and super seamstress, Tena Worthy, came by this afternoon with a special delivery! She brought the 3 cribskirts, diaper champ cover, and bumble bee quilt for the babies room. It is all perfect and just what I wanted. I can't wait to get it all assembled and in the room. Tena also brought tons of small gifts for Savannah so that she would have things to open since the babies get so much thoughtful! She also brought her precious son, Eli, who will be 2 in May. He was so much fun and gave us a taste of what having boys will be like in our house. Thanks Tena! Enjoy some pictures!


Amy said...

Those are cute! So nice you can be home to see it all come together.

Tena said...

You are so welcome, friend! I was glad to come over and 'hang' with you guys for a little while and make all my deliveries! Eli had so much fun - he kept talking about 'Vanna' on the way home. Which is hilarious since they hardly interacted with one another!
See you again soon!